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Kendra Warden writes romantic suspense with real danger and fearless faith. She lives in Ontario, Canada, with her husband, three young children, two cats, and a whole lot of books. She's passionate about (very) early mornings, long walks, and buffalo sauce. 

Okay, so there’s the cool professional bio. Phew. I always feel so awkward writing those. 😛

Hey, I’m Kendra! I started reading at a young age, and I spent a good portion of my childhood devouring books. I’ve dreamed of becoming a novelist for almost as long as I can remember. The dream took me down quite a winding road over the years! My first published work was in the very (very, very, very) niche “spite poetry” subgenre.

It was a sonnet titled “I Hate Sonnets”, written begrudgingly for an online high school English class (I was homeschooled, and now I’m a homeschool mom myself) when I was sixteen.

I’m just as stubborn these days, and I find being an independent author to be a perfect fit for my personality. I am so blessed to write what I love, and I couldn’t do it without the love and support of my readers. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart.

P.S. I also write fantasy under the name Stefanie Lozinski!